Sunday, June 15, 2008

Obama: Raise Taxes And Piss Off The Rich People

Obama the stupid cracker-nigger told voters in Wayne, Pennsylvania on Saturday that he'll cut taxes for the middle class, raise taxes for the wealthy and put the money into something called "Green Energy".

You see, the USA is fucking themselves in the ass by even letting a cracker-nigger be apart of the government period! He is fucking shit up for you guys. Obama supports the rat-race. He wants to tax the rich guys and put $150 billion dollars towards saving the earth. What he's doing is pissing off the rich people and the rich people are going to leave. Then the middle class and poor class will have nobody to feed them. Dumb ass american. Dumb ass cracker-nigger. Is america going to really let him become president and let him take money from uncle sam's pocket. Obama should be killed before it's too late. I hate him personally. The KKK should kill him before I pay my cousin to crash an airplane into his house.

Obama helped fill sandbags in an area devastated by a flood.

You can't blame him. It's in his blood. His ancestors are what I call: "LABOR GURUS"

Obama beleives that McCain's gas tax plan will do harm by taking 3 billion dollars out of the highway trust fund and give it to the oil companies.

Obama is once again trying to piss off the oil companies AKA the rich people. McCain on the other hand has some type of brain in his cracker skull. McCain is trying to keep the rich folk happy so they can keep feeding the middle and poor class. You see, I own a good share of the oil in Iraq and I wouldn't dare let that cracker-nigger dip his fingers in my oil jar.

Well then again, Obama is on to something. Obama is telling the MASSES what they want to hear because they are the majority of the vote. That's a sweet stategy!

Hi America!

Hi America

I want to let you know that I really hate you and I am going to start expressing how I feel about your country and your ways, SO get ready for it BITCHES!

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